At Banner MD Anderson, we know there is much more to your story than cancer, as so much of life occurs beyond cancer. We invite you to join a community of peers to share your journey, thoughts, concerns in a supportive, caring environment. This group is led by one of our Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center team members. It is open to anyone who has been affected by cancer, as a patient or a caregiver.
Let's gather every month on the third Wednesday!
Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center at Banner Gateway Medical Center
2946 E. Banner Gateway Drive
Gilbert, AZ 85234
Granite and Coyote Conference Rooms, Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center, 2South
Parking Instructions:
Parking available on the north side of the Cancer Center, parallel with the 60 freeway.
Contact Information:
To provide valued comments or feedback, please call Teresa Peterson at (480) 256-4827.